Contributing to USD

We’re excited to collaborate with the community and look forward to the many improvements you can make to USD!

Contributor License Agreement

Before contributing code to USD, we ask that you sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). At the root of the repository you can find the two possible CLAs:

  1. USD_CLA_Corporate.pdf : please sign this one for corporate use

  2. USD_CLA_Individual.pdf : please sign this one if you’re an individual contributor

Once your CLA is signed, send it to (please make sure to include your github username) and wait for confirmation that we’ve received it. After that, you can submit pull requests.

Coding Conventions

Please follow the coding convention and style in each file and in each library when adding new files.

Pull Request Guidelines

  • All development on USD should happen against the “dev” branch of the repository. Please make sure the base branch of your pull request is set to the “dev” branch when filing your pull request.

  • Please make sure all tests are passing with your change prior to submitting a pull request. Keep in mind the current github CI pipeline does not run any tests, however tests will be run when reviewing your submitted change for consideration.

  • Please make sure that your pull requests are clean. Use the rebase and squash git facilities as needed to ensure that the pull request is as clean as possible.

  • Please make pull requests that are small and atomic. In general, it is easier for us to merge pull requests that serve a single purpose than those that combine several functional pieces.

  • Please search through existing open github issues and associate your PR with issues that your change addresses, as described in Github Issues. If there are no issues related to your change, you do not need to create a new issue.

Git Workflow

Here is the workflow we recommend for contributing changes to USD:

  1. Use the github website to fork your own private repository.

  2. Clone your fork to your local machine, like this:

    git clone
  3. Add Pixar’s USD repo as upstream to make it easier to update your remote and local repos with the latest changes:

    cd USD
    git remote add upstream
  4. Now fetch the latest changes from Pixar’s USD repo like this:

    git fetch upstream
  5. We recommend you create a new branch for each feature or fix that you’d like to make and give it a descriptive name so that you can remember it later. You can checkout a new branch and create it simultaneously like this:

    git checkout -b dev_mybugfix upstream/dev
  6. Now you can work in your branch locally.

  7. Once you are happy with your change, you can verify that the change didn’t cause tests failures by running tests from your build directory:

    ctest -C Release
  8. If all the tests pass and you’d like to send your change in for consideration, push it to your remote repo:

    git push origin dev_mybugfix
  9. Now your remote branch will have your dev_mybugfix branch, which you can now pull request (to USD’s dev branch) using the github UI.

When your pull request is merged, it will be available in the next dev and full release. For USD release schedules, see Release Schedule

Github Issues

Use github issues to report problems or suggestions that need discussion, or that you might not be able to address yourself.

You do not need to log an issue for contributing changes, or if your change fixes an unreported issue. However, if your change requires multiple pull requests, a single issue can be created and referenced from those PRs to organize them.

Before sending your change in for consideration, search through the list of open issues on github and check if your change addresses any issue. If so, associate your pull request with that issue.